The Slate Cabin - Wales Part I

  The Slate Cabin, Wales - Joy Felicity Jane

A few weeks ago I was sitting by the pool in France, thinking about the upcoming holiday blues I'd experience when flying back to London on the following day & minutes later I got a text from Freya saying "are you free for the next 3 days?" 

My immediate response was "YES, of course! What are we doing?!" to which she said.. "WALES *insert lots of sheep emojis here*!"

Wales is one of my favourite places I've been to in the past year or so.. there is something about this place that speaks to my soul. The rolling hills, the beautiful coast, the mountains, the cute little farms and cottages, castles, wild lakes and endless rivers.

Maybe it is because it reminds me so much of where I grew up high up in the Pyrenees.

Freya told me almost nothing about this trip. I knew she had to shoot some content for the tourism board, and I knew we were going to Wales but apart from that... I went for it blind.

I flew into London on the Sunday night, on Monday morning at 8AM I was at her front door with my wellies, camera and weekend bag ready to go on an adventure!

6 hours later heading west and hitting almost no traffic, after a few snack stops, we made it to this heavenly cabin. I was so excited I did my happy dance and hugged Freya really tight. That girl is full of surprises.

We stayed at this lovely cabin pop-up organised by Epic Retreats, and we stayed in this amazing Slate Cabin, which I think is going to be placed at a more permanent location (if you're interested get in touch with these guys, they can let you know!)

It was the perfect size, had the comfiest cocoon bed with a view over the sea, a small wood burner to warm up your feet after a long walk, and heat up the kettle for your morning cuppa.

It was located on the tippy top of Wales, near a little village called Gwynedd. The cabin was positioned right by the sea. After doing our happy dance around the cabin and dropping our bags off, we quickly jumped into our wellies and off we went exploring camera in hand.

We walked along the coast just before the sun disappeared behind the horizon. The air was thick with sea mist, you could see fog rolling in into the distance and that fresh sea smell - oh it gets me every time! Maybe I was a sea creature in a past life, or perhaps a very bad fisherman, who enjoyed being by the sea more than fishing.. I don't know it just calms me, and makes me feel good. All the stress, worries and holiday blues were exhaled with every breath of that delicious mist.

We both snapped some pictures while picking some wild blackberries and sat on the edge of the cliff breathing it all in, feeling very grateful to go on adventures like this one together.

Disclaimer : I borrowed Freya's jacket for this shot, because my old beige cardigan, as comfy as it was, isn't the most photogenic.. which means we both look like the same person in these shots haha blonde hair and same outfit!

Oh and yes this is my bare skin, untouched mane and my very happy sea mist face, loving every second of it. In the past year or so I've spent 95% of my time makeup free, it is liberating and also SO much quicker in the morning ;)


I think I've told you this before, but this girl right there has my heart. I feel lucky to have found my soul sisters thanks to this little space. She feels like family, and nothing beats that kind of friendship. I am so happy we're both following our passions and able to work together and find ourselves on adventures like this..!


These days are the ones we'll remember when we're old and grey remembering the good old days. I hope there will be many more, to Wales and beyond!!

After our misty walk, we ran back to the cabin to warm up, change into something a little cosier and have a cup of tea before dinner.


Later that night, we both slept like babies, falling asleep to the sound of the waves crashing in on the beach below the cabin. 

I've always said that one day I'll own a cabin of my own (have you see my Cabin Life board on Pinterest?!).. and this right here is the perfect compromise, a cabin on wheels. You could move it around, have it in your garden, or leave it on the perfect little plot of land by the sea or deep in the forest.


Our evening took us to dinner in a tent below the cabin where 5 old welsh men sang to us late into the night, I fell a little bit more in love with Wales and we promised each other we'd be back with our men as soon as we could...

Now, you just wait until you see what we did the next day... magic all around!