Essaouira - Part I


We came back from Essaouira a couple of weeks ago before lockdown happened. It was a beautiful two weeks with some friends in a private riad (owned by a friend of a friend) we felt incredibly lucky to escape the British winter and soak up all the Morrocan sun, delicious homemade bread, olive oil, vegetable tajine and couscous, litres of fresh orange juice.. it was glorious!

These are just a few snapshots from my big camera, which I didn’t end up taking out much of the time because it’s just so bulky and walking around with it all day feels a bit too much! So I might sell it at some point this year and swap for a smaller kit! I thought I’d share some random scenes, in a few parts to hopefully brighten up your day!

Morocco is such a magical country, and every time I go I long to go back. We came back with suitcases full of rugs, ceramics, argan oil and spices and a few freckles on our faces. It was the break we didn’t know we needed, especially since we had no idea how serious things would get in a matter of a couple of weeks. Our riad was such a beautiful little oasis, with a big rooftop where we all gathered each afternoon, to nap, read and play games all together. A trip to remember! More coming in the next few days…



Quarantine Week I


A List of Favourite Things | 03