Newborn & Mama Essentials Checklist

I've had a few questions regarding our newborn essentials list, and how and what we're getting ready...

Now I'm no expert so this isn't a "Must Have" list or even a complete list for all I know..! I'm still scratching my head daily, wondering if we need this or that, or if it's simply not a necessity... The world of baby gear is CONFUSING!

I'm an over-researcher by nature, I do some serious research before most decisions and most definitely before every purchase - I'm not sure if it's a blessing or a curse... I like to be informed and know that I am making the best decision for me/us to the best of my abilities. Now sometimes that comes in easy depending on the subject or what I'm trying to get because either I've had a recommendation from someone I trust or it's an easy choice.

Sometimes however it can take days of research and head scratching haha but I wouldn't have it any other way, I love to dive deep into subjects that interest me, and that I care about and I also love to know that I'm getting something that is right for us and also the best possible deal in terms of quality/price. So this is the background of my baby research for you, just so I can paint you an idea of how it's going... ;)

Some things I have left for Michael to research - things like our car seat, but also our pram, and recently baby monitor (I do chip in and have an opinion on it too, but he likes looking into all the techy stuff, and frankly I have no idea when it comes to cars..) The pram being our biggest decision and also an investment, we're still not quite decided... but we're getting close!

When the 3rd Trimester rolled in, I had a mild panic of "WE ARE SO NOT READY, WE NEED TO GET STUFF NOW...!!" which was short lived, but it did kickstart the process. I texted all my mama girlfriends and asked them for THEIR list/ what they wish they had gotten/what they got and didn't actually need.

It was really interesting to hear from all their perspective, they all have slightly different styles and ways to parent, so I found it fascinating to hear what their essentials were. All in all, the same things came back up and that's how I rounded up what *I think* we might need. As I said in my Second Trimester Update video, I am generally a 'less is more' kind of person, but I also value my comfort, so I think I've cut it down to what we would initially need.

There is a bunch of things I think I may need down the line, but I'd rather wait a little and see what works for us, and then get it when needed - we live in London, where (if lockdown rules change) we can get things at the shops on the same day, or get things delivered next day if needed. So I'm not too worried. We are also very lucky to have had a bunch of hand-me downs from some girlfriends which has been amazing and super helpful.

I currently have a list in my notes app on my iphone, which is shared with Michael too. We tick things off once we've gotten them or someone gives us something. We also have another broader list with tasks and to-dos before baby comes - things like organise guest bedroom, clear out cupboards, instal curtains on some windows which we haven't done yet... you know bits and bobs! As well as baby prep things we'll do just before it's go-time - like food prepping, organising meals to have postpartum, and having a clearer postpartum plan (which our midwife is very keen on us writing down aside of our birth plan! which I love, I also really want to read this book)

So here we go, this is what is on our list thus far (as I'm writing this I am 29+ weeks along)

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Clothes :

  • x 10 Sleepsuits (I've been told time and time again to go with the ones with the ZIP and not buttons... it's basically everyone's hot tip, to make the middle of the night changes easier - we're doing a bit of both at first, got a pack of these, got some Baby Mori ones new and also second hand from Ebay [sidenote: shopping for second-hand baby clothes is VERY addictive..!]this one! this one!)

  • x 10 vests/bodysuit (I was hesitating between long-sleeve and short, and most people seem to think short-sleeves is easier, as mostly always layered)

  • x 1 or 2 cardigan/jumper (it will still be cool when baby gets here)

  • x 1 or 2 cotton baby hat

  • x 5-8 muslin squares (a mix of medium & large ones, multipurpose, for cleaning up messes, swaddling, breastfeeding etc..)

  • x 2 sleepsuit with no legs but zip or knot at the end for easy access for changes at night (these seem to be harder to find in uk vs us for some reason, I got this one to try out)

  • x 1 swaddle with velcro (we have this hand me down, we'll wait and see if we like it before buying more, some babies don't like being swaddled it seems)

  • x 1-2 baby blankets (lots of love for cellular blankets apparently! one to have at home one for the pram, these look great too oh and these from Yoli & Otis would be perfect as well)

  • x 1 Hire kit of cloth nappies (we won't make any decisions on which brand until we've tried a few in the first few months, but so far the favourites are : Econaps, Bumgenius, Grovia, Baba & Boo and also just found these which look interesting - will also get a few disposables newborn size at the beginning, oh and we're also reading about Elimination Communication! so we'll see...!)

  • x 1 Pramsuit (we have a hand me down so waiting to see if we need something else, but fingers crossed it won't be cold for long once baby gets here!)

  • x 5 baby socks (this is a very controversial topic, and most say don't bother and just use sleepsuits/bottoms with feet in the first few months, or you'll end up losing half the baby socks and having to put them back on 927391 a day - I got a couple because we have a few feetless hand-me-downs)

  • (Can we just talk about how bizarre and confusing baby sizing is?! Why do most brands use different ways to size baby clothes... my brain might explode from this - but so far I've gotten just a few newborn size pieces, because we had a few newborn hand-me-downs, and then focused on 0-3 months. We'll figure out how big or teeny baby is once they're here, and panic buy if needed ;) instead of me buying lots of newborn sized pieces and then not needing them because we have a giant baby - WHO KNOWS!)

Everyday :

  • Bassinet (we're using a hand me down moses rattan basket, and we'll use it as baby's bed for the first few months on a rocking stand next to our bed - we won't get anything else until we feel we need something else. If we didn't have the hand me down I wouldn't have gotten a very expensive fancy one, because they'll only sleep in there for 3ish months, and would have also looked into second-hand side-cots, which we might still do if the moses basket doesn't work for us)

  • Bamboo waterproof liners (to use anywhere you put baby down, to minimise clean up, in cot under a fitted sheet, on changing table, in pram, when placing baby down on bed/sofa etc..)

  • Baby Nest (we have a Snuggle Me Organic hand me down, which I'm so happy about!)

  • Bouncer (we got this Babybjorn one second-hand on Ebay! they're so pricey new.. seems like madness for what they are!)

  • Baby monitor (will probably wait until baby is here as baby will be with us at all times in the first few months)

Out & About

  • Baby carrier (we got two hand me downs, the Tula one and the Ergo one)

  • Pram (still undecided! trying to figure out what will fit best our lifestyle in the next 4+ years + thinking ahead of another baby down the line if we're blessed to do this again, so quite a lot to think about ha)

  • Car Seat (we opted for a car seat that goes from birth to 4 years, mostly as a way to reduce our waste and having to buy one for newborn and one for later as you can't really go second hand with car seats so they're quite a wasteful item. We'll see how we get on!)

  • Wrap carrier ( eying a few, but decided to get one from this small UK company called Smallhausen which looks divine!)

Bath Time

  • Bath support (planning on co-bathing when possible - and or sink baths too!)

  • Baby Towel (I think that's not a necessity, can just use normal towels! but the ones with the hoods are very cute)

  • Bath thermometer

  • Sponge/cloth/ reusable pads to clean baby

  • Baby balm

  • Baby oil (will just use a natural oil like jojoba or sweet almond)

  • Cotton pads / Washcloths (we have a bunch of reusable super soft pads that I use for removing makeup etc, and I got more for Christmas so will use those)

  • Changing mat (been eyeing the Gathre vegan mats for a while, but harder to find in UK, so decided to go for this one instead, wipeable, easy to move around, multipurpose, will see how we like it and most likely have another one on hand, so one in the house and one for out and about)

  • Things like nail clippers, ear thermometer, snot sucker haha and other fun things are also on the list but keeping it to the bare minimum until we know what we need.

For Mama

  • Nursing bras (haven't done much research yet..!)

  • Organic pads

  • Lip balm + hand cream (this is something I have been using more of in pregnancy already, must be the hormones!)

  • Organic nipple cream (that's safe for baby too as planning to breastfeed)

  • Hand pump (everyone swears by the Haaka pump - we are hoping to breastfeed, so will figure out if I feel the need to get an electric pump, a few girlfriends did just find with a hand pump, so we'll see and will also eventually get some bottles/storage bags for pumping once we start introducing a bottle)

  • Friday Mum Peri bottle (apparently a must for those few days post-birth, especially if there was tearing)

  • Earth Mama Perineal Spray (I've heard this is the stuff of gods and helps to soothe a lot!)

  • Witch Hazel (for healing and also to soak some pads with and freeze, I've heard it's the holy grail post-birth and helps to soothe a lot, alcohol-free)

  • Nursing pads (will use some of those reusable pads you can wash)

  • Mattress pad (will probably just use one of those bamboo liners I got for baby too!)

  • Soft easy pull-down pjs for easy access to the boobs (I have a couple of tops, but will treat myself to a nice pair of pjs for postpartum as it's likely to be the only thing I wear)

  • Long phone charging cable

  • Closed bottle/jar with a straw for drinking from all angles (good for birth too)

  • Insulated mug (this should be a must for me already as I can never remember to drink my tea while it's hot - which reminds me I have a cup of nettle tea waiting for me as I write this, and oh surprise... it's cold)

  • Water spray ( will use my trusty Avene mineral spray!)

  • Essential oil diffuser (already have a couple of those to use for birth but also around the house postpartum)

  • Small soft lamp to have near changing table/area for middle of the night changes (we'll use one of our salt lamps, it gives a nice glow)

  • LOTS of snacks... ;) I'll write a post about how we'll be preparing for our postpartum period with food prep, and snacks on hand! Planning on stashing a way a lot of these...!

I think that's it...! But I'm sure there is a lot that I have either forgotten or that I don't actually need on there. I guess it will be a trial and error kind of journey ;)

Sidenote : we are not setting up a nursery just yet, as our guest room is currently M's office, and the first few months baby will be sleeping in our room. We will use one of our dressers for baby's clothes/changing table! but one day we will, and I'll share more when we do.

I'd love to know what are/were your essentials, add them in the comments below! I hope this helps anyone preparing like we are at the moment :) Also don't forget about my Community Forum! I have a pregnancy section in there where we can share and chat all things baby prep.. come join me!


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